Choosing the best web hosting is not an easy task for your blog or website. That’s why at the beginning we all face some problems. Sometimes, the user starts facing problems after receiving a good number of traffic. Then people change their hosting to one provider to another. Even then many don’t find the perfect hosting.
So you have to check this points must before buying any hosting package.
– Check the server Cores. For example, 6 core or 16 core. More core means better load. It reduces the possibility of server downtime.
– Then you need to know about backup. When you are running a website you must think about its security all the time. Check is your hosting provider giving you backup facilities?
– Server Load is another important part. People don’t look at server core when they are buying a hosting. But this matters a lot. Less core means cheap hosting. And in our country people runs after cheap one. And that’s why they don’t get the best server load.
– Extra Load, This is another plus point. If your server has an extra server to take additional load than it will help you by not getting down.
Deshi Hosting gives you the best hosting service in Bangladesh when the term Uptime comes. We know the importance of a live website all the time for our customers and that’s why we use the highest cores servers.
Check our regular hosting plans from here.