You need to design, selecting a domain name, hosting everything by yourself for your dream website. If you do any mistake on this procedure you have to pay a lot later. So don’t waste your time regretting and start your dream website with Deshi Hosting.
A domain is the address of your website. Every website has a specific domain name. It is important to choose a right domain name for your website. If you don’t choose the right domain name for your website you will not get enough visitor to your website.
Some trick to select the right domain name for your website:
1. You should select your domain name matching with your websites the main name. It will help your visitors to remember your website.
2. Try to select a short name for your website. A short name is always easy to remember.
3. Most of the internet use likes .COM domain name. When they think of a website they think it with .COM extension. So try to buy the .COM domain.
4. Try to buy a domain name which is related to your main keyword.
5. Try for .net if you don’t find the .COM extension available.
After selecting the right domain name you need to register it. You will find many domain offers which give you domain names at very low cost. But they will hide the hidden terms from you. That means, they can overcharge you when you will try to renew your domain and you can’t transfer your domain name if they don’t give you full control of your domain.
Deshi Hosting gives you full control of your domain name. You can transfer your domain name anytime if you want and also gives free privacy protection which will protect your domain privacy too.
If you still have any query about your dream domain or hosting you can contact us anytime you want via phone, email or live chat.